After having a newborn, how did your toddler regress?

I’m gearing up to have my second baby in about a month! My firstborn is a little over 2. How did your toddler regress after the new baby was born? People keep telling me to get ready for a regression but not really giving me stories or typical ways they regress!

With sleep. She (2.5 yrs old) rarely makes it to the morning in her own bed now.

She also got VERY clingy with dad. It makes sense - I was gone 2 nights, couldn’t pick her up for a while, and now have a baby on the boob half the time. It took a few weeks for her to let me back into her circle of trust. Baby is 7 weeks now, and we are mostly back to normal with that.

I will say that we were out of routine for a few weeks because it was winter break from school and everyone and their mother was sick. That vortex of never-ending days didn’t help anyone. Once we got back into a routine, it was immensely better.

I have a one-month-old and a 2-year-old. Nothing about him has changed; he’s still his happy, silly, clingy self.

Following. My daughter will be 2.5 when our baby is born.

Sullivan said:
Following. My daughter will be 2.5 when our baby is born.

Same here!

I have a 21-month-old and a 4-week-old. We are in the early stage of having two, but the only really changes in my oldest I have seen are:

  • She gets frustrated and upset quicker (leading to a few more tantrums but nothing too crazy).
  • She takes forever to fall asleep. I lay with her every night for bed, and where before it took maybe 30 mins to get her to sleep, it now takes about an hour, sometimes longer.
  • She is extra clingy with me. She just wants more snuggles and hugs, which I do not mind at all.

Overall, it hasn’t been anything too terribly challenging.

Honestly not much. My toddler has recently become afraid of his room and cries if he has to be in there alone, so one of us has been sleeping with him right now. But honestly, I don’t think that has much to do with his brother being born (nearly 6 months ago) and more to do with a normal development of imagination.

He loves his brother and never went through the clingy, possessive phase with him that I was honestly expecting.

Potty trained 3-year-old completely regressed and would not pee in the toilet. Multiple “accidents” per day. We are almost 5 months in, and it’s better but still an issue.

Also, emotions are bigger and we have more tantrums, but that might be more because of age than a new sibling.

I’ll be in the same boat in a few months. Can’t wait to see what everyone has to say!

Toddler will be 18 months when baby is born (in 3 weeks).

Hoping for the best!

I just had my first, but I was almost 3 when my brother was born, and apparently, I went back to diapers for a bit, lol. I also bit his fingers and toes :frowning: