13wo not cooing—do I need to worry?

My 13-week-old isn’t cooing; he doesn’t make any noises besides crying. :cry: I talk and sing to him all the time, and I know he can hear me because I get the occasional smile here and there. :blush:

What’s adding to the stress is that I keep comparing him to my first baby. I have two under two (1 week off from being exactly a year apart). At this stage last year, my first baby was cooing and chuckling.

Should I be concerned? Is there anything else I can try? Any advice on how to stop comparing? I know they’re different babies, but I can’t stop, and it’s affecting my mental health at this point. :pleading_face:

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Hi there, If a 13-week-old baby is not cooing, it might not be an immediate cause for concern, as babies develop at different rates.It’s important to monitor other developmental milestones and consult with a pediatrician to ensure there are no underlying issues. Early intervention can be beneficial if there are any developmental delays.

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Are you certain about hearing? I ask only because baby smiling isnt a reliable way to know that he hears you. Does he calm down to the sound of your voice? Does he turn to look at the person talking? Does he attend to other sounds in the environment?

While making Cooing noises is expected at this age, there is a much bigger picture with regards to development so that alone isn’t necessarily concerning. Singing, talking, face to face time are all good things. Make sure to leave spaces and wait for baby to “reply”.

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